Trinity Lutheran Sheboygan
Trinity Lutheran Church, School and Child Care have been ”Making Known the Love of Christ” in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and throughout the world since 1853 as a congregation gathering around God’s Word and Sacraments to receive forgiveness and life everlasting. Trinity is located in downtown Sheboygan, only one block from the Mead Public Library and the Weill Center for the Performing Arts. We invite you to visit us in person! Trinity Lutheran Sheboygan is a proud member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit their website:

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Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Trinity Lutheran Church, School and Child Care have been "Making Known the Love of Christ" in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and throughout the world since 1853 as a congregation gathering around God's Word and Sacraments to receive forgiveness and life everlasting. Trinity is located in downtown Sheboygan, only one block from the Mead Public Library and the Weill Center for the Performing Arts. We invite you to visit us in person! Trinity Lutheran Sheboygan is a proud member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit their website: Music for this production was obtained through a licensing agreement with One License, LLC. The copyright permission to reprint, podcast, and record hymns and songs is acquired through ID Number: 730195-A #LCMS #Lutheran #DivineService

Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Jonah was frightened to death. God called him to preach repentance to a city that had no regard for God or the Sanctity of human life. He literally wanted to jump from the ship and die rather than preach in Nineveh. Nineveh was the capital of Assyria, and the Assyrians were some of the most mean, vile, stubborn, and evil people that ever lived. That’s why Jonah didn’t want to go. But God would not let him get out of this call to Nineveh. Even for them Jesus died that they may live. He died for you too. Every life is valuable to God, whether you live in a house or in a womb; whether you’re up and walking around or confined to a wheelchair; whether you are out making a name for yourself or no longer able to remember anyone’s name; whether you’re from Nineveh or the United States. You are valuable to God. You may not be valuable to anyone else, but you are to God. You are worth the life of His Son, who died that you may live. You now bring His life and love to others - speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves, defending the defenseless, proclaiming life. And proclaiming His message of victory over death, His hope in the midst of despair, His love for the vulnerable, His strength for the weak, and His good coming from suffering. God will give you the opportunities. He will work through you. Follow me, He simply says, and He will do the rest.
Trinity Lutheran Church, School and Child Care have been "Making Known the Love of Christ" in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and throughout the world since 1853 as a congregation gathering around God's Word and Sacraments to receive forgiveness and life everlasting. Trinity is located in downtown Sheboygan, only one block from the Mead Public Library and the Weill Center for the Performing Arts. We invite you to visit us in person! Trinity Lutheran Sheboygan is a proud member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit their website: Music for this production was obtained through a licensing agreement with One License, LLC. The copyright permission to reprint, podcast, and record hymns and songs is acquired through ID Number: 730195-A #advent #LCMS #Lutheran #DivineService

Friday Jan 19, 2024
Friday Jan 19, 2024
When “the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time,” sending him to preach judgment against the great city of Nineveh, “Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the word of the Lord” (Jonah 3:3). By this preaching, the people were brought to repentance. Because they “believed God,” as He spoke to them through His prophet, “they turned from their evil way” and were spared “the disaster that He had said He would do to them” (Jonah 3:5, 10). St. Paul also warns that “the appointed time has grown very short” (1 Cor. 7:29). Therefore, while we live in this world and deal with it, we are not to cling to it, nor put our trust in it, for “the present form of this world is passing away” (1 Cor. 7:31). Rather, give “your undivided devotion to the Lord” (1 Cor. 7:35). When our Lord Jesus Christ comes and is proclaimed in the Gospel, “the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand” (Mark 1:14–15). Therefore, He still calls men and sends them to become “fishers of men” with the net of that Gospel (Mark 1:17).
Trinity Lutheran Church, School and Child Care have been "Making Known the Love of Christ" in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and throughout the world since 1853 as a congregation gathering around God's Word and Sacraments to receive forgiveness and life everlasting. Trinity is located in downtown Sheboygan, only one block from the Mead Public Library and the Weill Center for the Performing Arts. We invite you to visit us in person! Trinity Lutheran Sheboygan is a proud member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit their website: Music for this production was obtained through a licensing agreement with One License, LLC. The copyright permission to reprint, podcast, and record hymns and songs is acquired through ID Number: 730195-A #LCMS #Lutheran #DivineService

Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
A parent asks a child who has done something wrong, “Why did you do that? Often, the child will answer, “I don’t know.” This is often the case because a child, like the rest of us, is predisposed to sinning. It’s our “go to” way of doing things since the fall. We don’t even think about it, and we don’t know why we do what we do because we don’t fully understand how impoverished we are as fallen human beings. Likewise, because through sin we are disconnected from God, the identity of our Lord is unknown to us as well. It’s why when, “He came to His own, His own did not receive Him” (John 1:11). So to cope with our ignorance and depravity, all we can do is make up fictional stories about ourselves and God not realizing or simply denying the scope of our incomprehension and corruption. Today in contrast to all of that, we hear that Jesus knows and sees things about Nathaniel that, as a mere human being, He couldn’t possibly know. He couldn’t know these things unless He was the Son of God. Nathaniel reveals just that, that Jesus is the Son of God, God Himself in the flesh, the second person of the Holy Trinity who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So, while you don’t know and I don’t know, Jesus does. How? Jesus is Lord. ----- Trinity Lutheran Church, School and Child Care have been "Making Known the Love of Christ" in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and throughout the world since 1853 as a congregation gathering around God's Word and Sacraments to receive forgiveness and life everlasting. Trinity is located in downtown Sheboygan, only one block from the Mead Public Library and the Weill Center for the Performing Arts. We invite you to visit us in person! Trinity Lutheran Sheboygan is a proud member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit their website: Music for this production was obtained through a licensing agreement with One License, LLC. The copyright permission to reprint, podcast, and record hymns and songs is acquired through ID Number: 730195-A #advent #LCMS #Lutheran #DivineService

Monday Jan 15, 2024
Monday Jan 15, 2024
A parent asks a child who has done something wrong, “Why did you do that? Often, the child will answer, “I don’t know.” This is often the case because a child, like the rest of us, is predisposed to sinning. It’s our “go to” way of doing things since the fall. We don’t even think about it, and we don’t know why we do what we do because we don’t fully understand how impoverished we are as fallen human beings. Likewise, because through sin we are disconnected from God, the identity of our Lord is unknown to us as well. It’s why when, “He came to His own, His own did not receive Him” (John 1:11). So to cope with our ignorance and depravity, all we can do is make up fictional stories about ourselves and God not realizing or simply denying the scope of our incomprehension and corruption. Today in contrast to all of that, we hear that Jesus knows and sees things about Nathaniel that, as a mere human being, He couldn’t possibly know. He couldn’t know these things unless He was the Son of God. Nathaniel reveals just that, that Jesus is the Son of God, God Himself in the flesh, the second person of the Holy Trinity who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So, while you don’t know and I don’t know, Jesus does. How? Jesus is Lord. ----- Trinity Lutheran Church, School and Child Care have been "Making Known the Love of Christ" in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and throughout the world since 1853 as a congregation gathering around God's Word and Sacraments to receive forgiveness and life everlasting. Trinity is located in downtown Sheboygan, only one block from the Mead Public Library and the Weill Center for the Performing Arts. We invite you to visit us in person! Trinity Lutheran Sheboygan is a proud member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit their website: Music for this production was obtained through a licensing agreement with One License, LLC. The copyright permission to reprint, podcast, and record hymns and songs is acquired through ID Number: 730195-A #advent #LCMS #Lutheran #DivineService

Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
----- Trinity Lutheran Church, School and Child Care have been "Making Known the Love of Christ" in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and throughout the world since 1853 as a congregation gathering around God's Word and Sacraments to receive forgiveness and life everlasting. Trinity is located in downtown Sheboygan, only one block from the Mead Public Library and the Weill Center for the Performing Arts. We invite you to visit us in person! Trinity Lutheran Sheboygan is a proud member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit their website: Music for this production was obtained through a licensing agreement with One License, LLC. The copyright permission to reprint, podcast, and record hymns and songs is acquired through ID Number: 730195-A #LCMS #Lutheran #DivineService

Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Tuesday Jan 09, 2024
Baptism is the beginning of the new creation personally applied to you. That’s what the apostle Paul is teaching us today in Romans. Just as Jesus joined Himself to us and our sin in His baptism, so now you are joined to Jesus and His righteousness in your baptism. For in baptism, Paul says, you are joined to Jesus in His death and resurrection so that not you, but the chaos, disorder, and death of sin be wiped out in you, and you live a new life. Through baptism, you are a new creation in Christ Jesus. Baptism is the beginning of the Gospel for you. This is the greater baptism of which John spoke. The baptism where water, Word, and Spirit create new life, where sins are wiped out, heaven is opened, and children of men are made children of God, to whom the Father now says: You are my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased. ----- Trinity Lutheran Church, School and Child Care have been "Making Known the Love of Christ" in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and throughout the world since 1853 as a congregation gathering around God's Word and Sacraments to receive forgiveness and life everlasting. Trinity is located in downtown Sheboygan, only one block from the Mead Public Library and the Weill Center for the Performing Arts. We invite you to visit us in person! Trinity Lutheran Sheboygan is a proud member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit their website: Music for this production was obtained through a licensing agreement with One License, LLC. The copyright permission to reprint, podcast, and record hymns and songs is acquired through ID Number: 730195-A #advent #LCMS #Lutheran #DivineService

Friday Jan 05, 2024
Friday Jan 05, 2024
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1). Then, as “the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters” (Gen. 1:2), God spoke His Word: “‘Let there be light,’ and there was light” (Gen. 1:3). In the same way “the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ” (Mark 1:1) brings about the New Creation through the waters of Baptism by the same Word and Spirit of God. When John the Baptist came, “proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins,” Jesus also came “and was baptized by John in the Jordan” (Mark 1:4, 9). Although He had no sins of His own, He took His stand with sinners in His Baptism and took the sins and mortality of the world upon Himself. He was baptized into His own death, by which the heavens are opened and the Spirit is given to us. God the Father is well-pleased with His beloved Son and raises Him from the dead. As we share His Baptism and are “united with Him in a death like His” (Rom. 6:5), we also share His resurrection unto “newness of life” (Rom. 6:4). ----- Trinity Lutheran Church, School and Child Care have been "Making Known the Love of Christ" in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and throughout the world since 1853 as a congregation gathering around God's Word and Sacraments to receive forgiveness and life everlasting. Trinity is located in downtown Sheboygan, only one block from the Mead Public Library and the Weill Center for the Performing Arts. We invite you to visit us in person! Trinity Lutheran Sheboygan is a proud member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit their website: Music for this production was obtained through a licensing agreement with One License, LLC. The copyright permission to reprint, podcast, and record hymns and songs is acquired through ID Number: 730195-A #LCMS #Lutheran #DivineService

Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
---- Trinity Lutheran Church, School and Child Care have been "Making Known the Love of Christ" in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and throughout the world since 1853 as a congregation gathering around God's Word and Sacraments to receive forgiveness and life everlasting. Trinity is located in downtown Sheboygan, only one block from the Mead Public Library and the Weill Center for the Performing Arts. We invite you to visit us in person! Trinity Lutheran Sheboygan is a proud member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit their website: Music for this production was obtained through a licensing agreement with One License, LLC. The copyright permission to reprint, podcast, and record hymns and songs is acquired through ID Number: 730195-A #LCMS #Lutheran #DivineService

Monday Jan 01, 2024
Monday Jan 01, 2024
In my childhood memories of opening Christmas presents there are two presents that stand out for me. Each was “the present” for that particular year. One year it was a Schwinn Sting Ray bicycle. It was blue with a white banana seat. I rejoiced greatly the minute I saw it. The other year it was Rossignol skis. As I received that great gift I echoed the Rossignol motto, “It takes a Rossi to catch a Rossi.” While each gift had a tremendous upside, there was also a downside for both. I suffered road rash on my forehead after going airborne on my Sting Ray bicycle on the homemade ramp my buddy Huey and I made, and the ski patrol with his own Rossignol skies caught me skiing straight down the mountain and threatened to pull my lift ticket. There is no such downside with the present Simeon held in his arms. The present of Jesus sent by God the Father and delivered by God the Holy Spirit brings peace and joy. ----- Trinity Lutheran Church, School and Child Care have been "Making Known the Love of Christ" in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and throughout the world since 1853 as a congregation gathering around God's Word and Sacraments to receive forgiveness and life everlasting. Trinity is located in downtown Sheboygan, only one block from the Mead Public Library and the Weill Center for the Performing Arts. We invite you to visit us in person! Trinity Lutheran Sheboygan is a proud member of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Visit their website: Music for this production was obtained through a licensing agreement with One License, LLC. The copyright permission to reprint, podcast, and record hymns and songs is acquired through ID Number: 730195-A #advent #LCMS #Lutheran #DivineService